Operations Management Solved MCQs | Part Four

Operations Management Solved MCQs | Part Four

Operations Management

1. Most operation produces a mixture of both products and services which of the following businesses is closest to producing 'pure' services?

a. IT company

b. Counselor/therapist

c. Steel company

d. A restaurant

Answer: b

2. Operations can be classified according to their volume and variety of production as well as the degree of variation & visibility. Which of the following operations would be classified as high volume, or low variety?

a. A front office bank

b. A family doctor

c. A carpenter

d. A fast food restaurant

Answer: d

3. Which of the following activities is not a direct responsibility of operations management?

a. Developing an operations strategy for the operation

b. Planning & controlling the operations

c. Determining the exact mix of products and services that customers will want

d. Designing the operations products, services & process

Answer: c

4. Operations management is applicable

a) Mostly to the service sector

b) Mostly to the manufacturing sector

c) to manufacturing and service sectors

d) To services exclusively

Answer: c

5. ............ is the process of selection of path, which each part of the product will follow

a) Routing.

b) Scheduling

c) Follow-up.

d) Dispatching

Answer: a

6. If inputs decrease while output remains constant, what will happen to productivity?

a. It will increase

b. It will decrease

c. It will remain the same

d. It is impossible to tell

Answer: a

7. ............ is concerned with deciding in advance what is to be produced, when to be produced, where to be produced and how to be produced.

a) Production planning

b) Production control.

c) (a) and (b).

d) None of these

Answer: c

8. All of the following decisions fall within the scope of operations management EXCEPT for

a. Financial analysis

b. Design of products and processes

d. Location of facilities

e. Quality management

Answer: a

9. In the case of... the products are produced as per the specifications of the customers within prefixed time and cost.

a. Mass production

b. Job production

c. Both of these

d. None of these

Answer: b

10. In......machines and other supporting services are located according to the processing sequence of the product

a. Project layout

b. Product layout

c. Combination layout

d. None of these

Answer: b

11. The layout in which production operation is performed in a fixed position is called……..........

a. Project layout

b. Product layout

C. (a) and (b)

d. None of these

Answer: a

12.......decision is the systematic process of determining a geographic site for a firm's operations.

a. Plant location

b. Plant layout

C. Product layout

d. none of these

Answer: a

13. Which of the following affects the choice of plant location decision?

a. Proximity to markets

b. Supply of materials

c. a and b

d. None of these

Answer: C

14. Safety stock is related to

a. Inventory control

b. Employee control

c. Strategic control

d. Quality Control

Answer: a

15. Which of the following is not an attribute to classify the services

a. Tangibility

b. Perishability

c. Simultaneity

d. Degree of customer contact

Answer: a

16. Materials, land, energy and human and capital resources are the examples of:

a. Inputs

b. Transformation

c. Outputs

d. Productivity

Answer: a

17. A tool to measure effective use of resources and usually expressed as the ratio of output to input is known as;

a. Production ratio

b. Productivity

c. Reliability

d. Operations ratio

Answer: b

18. Inventory carrying costs are influenced by

a. Order Quantity in Units

b. Holding carrying cost per unit

c. Demand

d. a and b only

Answer: d

19. Which of the following a unit of measurement is as specified in Six Sigma quality?

a. Defects per hundred

b. Defects per thousand

c. Defects per hundred thousand

d. Defects per million

Answer: d

20. A fixed time between orders and a variable order quantity are characteristics of a

a) continuous inventory system

b) two-bin system

c) periodic inventory system

d) MRP system

Answer: C

21. Which of the following is a part of the production system?

a. Input

b. Output

c. Transformation process

d. all of these

Answer: d

22. Which one of the following is not a part of production planning and control?

a. Follow-up

b. Financial leverage

c. Routing

d. Scheduling

Answer: b

23. Which of the following is not an objective of good plant layout?

a. To improve productivity

b. To provide safety to employees

c. To increase the number of accidents

d. to provide easy supervision

Answer: c

24. Which of the following is the objective of the motion study?

a. To eliminate all non-productive and ineffective motions.

b. To develop more effective and productive patterns of movements

c. (a) and (b)

d. None

25. Dispatch provides official authorization for

a. Movement of materials to different workstations,

b. Movement of tools and fixtures necessary for each operation,

c. beginning of work on each operation,

d. all of these

Answer: d

26. Which of the following is not an objective of operation management?

a) To improve product quality

b)To reduce cost of production

c) Material cost control

d)Trading on equity

Answer: d

27. Which one of the following layout types is also called line layout?

a. Fixed Position layout

b. Process layout

c. Product layout

d. Cellular layout

Answer: c

28. The concept of Agile organization refers to:

a. Flexibility

b. Quality

c. Quick response

d. Profitability

Answer: c

29.. Product design and choice of location are examples of ... decisions.

a. Strategic

b. Tactical

c. Operational

d. Customer focused

Answer: a

30. The disadvantage of product layout is

a. High initial investment for the specialized facilities

b. Skilled labour to operate machines

c. Production time is longer, requiring more goods in inventory

d. High cost of inspection

Answer: a

31. Work study comprises the following main techniques

a. Method study and work measurement

b. Method study and time study

c. Time study and work measurement

d. Method study and job evaluation

Answer: a

32. Product layout is best suited where

(A) One type of product is produced

(B) Product is standardized

(C) Product is manufactured in large quantities

(D) All of the above

Answer: d

33. Product layout is used for

(A) Job production

(B) Batch production

(C) Mass production

(D) Any one of these

Answer: C

34. Work study is concerned with

(A) Improving the present method and finding standard time

(B) Motivation of workers

(C) Improving production capability

(D) Improving production planning and control

Answer: A

35. ABC analysis deals with

(A) Analysis of process chart

(B) Flow of material

(C) Ordering schedule of job

(D) Controlling inventory costs money

Answer: D

36. Which of the following layouts is suited to job production?

(A) Process layout

(B) Product layout

(C) Fixed position layout

(D) Plant layout

Answer: C

37. Inventory control in production, planning and control aims at

(A) Achieving optimization

(B) Ensuring against market fluctuations

(C) Acceptable customer service at low capital investment in inventory

(D) Discounts allowed in bulk purchase

Answer: C

38. The allowed time for a job equals standard time plus

(A) Policy allowance

(B) Interference allowance

(C) Process allowance

(D) Learning allowance

Answer: A

39. A-B-C analysis

(A) Is a basic technique of materials management

(B) Is meant for relative inventory control

(C) Does not depend upon the unit cost of the item but on its annual consumption

(D) All of the above

Answer: D

40. In manufacturing management, the term 'Dispatching' is used to describe

(A) Dispatch of sales order

(B) Dispatch of factory mail

(C) Dispatch of the finished product of the user

(D) Dispatch of work orders through the shop floor

Answer: D

41. The unit cost in case of batch production is ........... as compared to jobbing production.

(A) Same

(B) Low

(C) High

(D) None of these

Answer: B

42. Performance rating is equal to

(A) Observed performance + normal performance

(B) Observed performance - normal performance

(C) Observed performance × normal performance

(D) None of the above

Answer: D

43. The production cost per unit can be reduced by

(A) Producing more with increased inputs

(B) Producing more with the same inputs

(C) Eliminating idle time

(D) Minimizing resource waste

Answer: B

44. What does the symbol 'O' imply in work-study?

(A) Operation

(B) Inspection

(C) Transport

(D) Delay/temporary storage

Answer: A

45. The type of layout used for manufacturing steam turbines, is

(A) Product layout

(B) Process layout

(C) Fixed position layout

(D) Any one of these

Answer: C

46. What does the symbol 'D' imply in work-study?

(A) Inspection

(B) Transport

(C) Delay/temporary storage

(D) Permanent storage

Answer: C

47. Routing prescribes the

(A) Flow of material in the plant

(B) Proper utilization of manpower

(C) Proper utilization of machines

(D) Inspection of final product

Answer: A

48. The objective of time study is to determine the time required to complete a job by

(A) Fast worker

(B) Average worker

(C) Slow worker

(D) New entrant

Answer: B

49. Choose the wrong statement Time study is used to

(A) Determine overhead expenses

(B) Provide a basis for setting piece prices or incentive wages

(C) Determine standard costs

(D) Determine the capability of an operator to handle the number of machines

Answer: A

50. In inventory control, the economic order quantity is the

(A) Optimum lot size

(B) Highest level of inventory

(C) Lot corresponding to break-even point

(D) Capability of a plant to produce

Answer: A

51. Zero defects in manufacturing is

a. is a relevant goal only in electronic assembly

b. is readily achievable in all areas

c. is the goal of TQM

d. is an unobtainable and misleading idea

Answer: C

52. A ...... encompasses all activities associated with the flow and transformation of Goods from the raw material stage, through to the end user, as well as the associated information Flows.

A. Production line

B. Supply chain

C. Marketing channel

D. Warehouse

Answer: B

53. Which of the following statements is true of LEAN?

A. Lean principles focus on advanced statistical methods

B. Lean principles are a separate body of knowledge

C. Lean principles have been developed over a lengthy time.

D. Lean principles include reducing waste.

Answer: D

54. Lean production involves

A. Elimination of cost only

B. Improvement of quality only

C. Improvement of speed only

D. Elimination of all types of waste

Answer: D

55. A successful TQM program incorporates all of the following except

A. continuous improvement

B. employment involvement

C. benchmarking

D. centralized decision-making authority

Answer: D

56. Which one of the following would not generally be considered an aspect of operations management?

A. Work methods

B. Secure financial resources

C. Maintain quality

D. Product or service design

Answer: B

57. In a SC, Material flows in one direction while from in both direction

A. Process.

B. Information

C. Product

D. Semifinished Goods

Answer: B

58. TQM refers to

a. total quantity management

b. total quality management

c. total quality marketing

d. total quotient management

Answer: b

59. When suppliers, distributors, and customers collaborate with each other to improve the performance of the entire system, they are participating in a ...........

a) channel of distribution

b) value delivery network

c) supply chain

d) supply and demand chain

Answer: b

60. Logistics is an integral part of supply chain management. Which explanation best represents outbound logistics?

A. The management of material resources entering an organisation from its suppliers and other partners

B. A supply chain that emphasises the distribution of a product to passive customers

C. The management of resources supplied by an organisation to its customers and intermediaries

D. An emphasis on using the supply chain to deliver value to customers who are actively involved in product and service specification

Answer: C

61. "Quality is defined by the customer" is

A. An unrealistic definition of quality

B. A user-based definition of quality

C. A manufacturing-based definition of quality

D. A product-based definition of quality

Answer: B

62. Which one of the following does not fall under the qualitative forecasting method?

A. Market research

B. Life cycle analogy

C. Moving average methods

D. Delphi method

Answer: C

63. What is the measure of forecast error that calculates the average forecast error over n time periods known as?

A. Mean-square error

B. Mean absolute deviation

C. Mean error

D. Mean absolute percentage error

Answer: C

64. The profit of an enterprise can be increased by

i. Reducing total costs of production

ii. Increasing sales value

iii. Increasing capital cost

iv. Increasing manpower

Which of the above is true?

A. Only i

B. i & ii

C. i, ii & iii

D. All of the above

Answer: B

65. If all the processing equipment and machines are arranged according to the sequence of operations of a product the layout is known as

A. Product layout

B. Process layout

C. Fixed position layout

D. Combination layout

Answer: A

66. The following type of layout is preferred to manufacture a standard product in large quantity

A. Product layout

B. Process layout

C. Fixed position layout

D. Combination layout

Answer: A

67. The following type of layout is preferred for low-volume production of non-standard products

A. Product layout

B. Process layout

C. Fixed position layout

D. Combination layout

Answer: B

68. In ship manufacturing, the type of layout preferred is

A. Product layout

B. Process layout

C. Fixed position layout

D. Combination layout

Answer: C

69. Which of the following explains the need for facility location selection?

(a) When the existing business unit has outgrown its original facilities

and expansion is not possible.

(b) When a business is newly started.

(c) When the lease expires and the landlord does not renew the lease.

(d) All of these.

Answer: d

70. Which of the following is a type of plant layout in which machines and equipment are arranged according to their function?

a) Cellular layout

b) Process layout

c) Fixed position layout

d) Combined layout

Answer: b