Operations Management Solved MCQs | Part Two

Operations Management Solved MCQs | Part Two

Operations Managements

1. ............ is the fixation of time and date for each operation as well as determines the sequence of operations to be followed.

A. Dispatching

B. Scheduling.

C. Routing.

D. All of these.

Answer »» B. Scheduling.


2 ............ Is the process of verification or correction in the quality of the product when the deviations in the quality are found to be more than expected.

A. policies

B. quality control

C. Quantity measurement

D. None of these

Answer »» B. quality control


3. Which of the following is true? The impact of strategies on the general direction and basic character of a company is

A. Long range

B. Short-ranged

C. Minimal

D. Medium range

Answer »» A. long range


4. Which of the following is true?

A. corporate strategy is shaped by functional strategies

B. corporate mission is shaped by corporate strategy

C. functional strategies are shaped by corporate strategy

D. external conditions are shaped by corporate mission

Answer »» C. functional strategies are shaped by corporate strategy


5. The fundamental purpose of an organization’s mission statement is to

A. Define the organization’s purpose in the society

B. Define the operational structure of the organization

C. Generate good public relations for the organization

D. Define the functional areas required by the organization

Answer »» A. define the organization’s purpose in society


6. Which of the following is not a key way in which business organizations compete with one another?

A. Production cost

B. Product duplication

C. Flexibility.

D. Quality

Answer »» B. Product Duplication


7. ............ involves a determination of the progress of work, removing bottlenecks in the flow of work and ensuring that the productive operations are taking place in accordance with the plans

A. follow up

B. time management

C. time study

D. time booking

Answer »» A. Follow Up


8. ............ is the process of setting of productive activities in motion through release of orders and instructions, in accordance with previously planned timings.

A. Time study

B. Follow up

C. Dispatching

D. None of these

Answer »» C. Dispatching


9. ............ is a timetable of operations specifying the time and date when each operation is to be started and completed.

A. Time Study

B. Schedule

C. Loading

D. None of these

Answer »» B. Schedule


10. ............ Involves the fixation of a path through which work will flow for manufacturing of goods.

A. Scheduling

B. Routing

C. Time Study

D. None of these

Answer »» B. Routing


11. ............ is the process of reporting the daily progress of work in each shop in a prescribed proforma to investigate the causes of deviations from the planned performance and taking necessary actions

A. Follow Up

B. Motion Study

C. Time Study

D. All of These

Answer »» A. Follow Up


12. Which of the following is an objective of quality control?

A. To produce qualitative items

B. To reduce companies' cost through reduction of losses due to defects.

C. To produce optimal quality at a reduced price.

D. All of these

Answer »» D. All of these


13. ............ is that aspect of operation management function, which is concerned with the acquisition, control, and use of materials needed and flow of goods and services connected with the production process.

A. Materials Management

B. Division of Labour

C. Mass production

D. Craft production

Answer »» A. Materials Management


14. If inputs decrease while output remains constant, what will happen to productivity?

A. It will increase

B. It will decrease

C. It will remain the same

D. It is impossible to tell

Answer »» A. it will increase


15. ............ is the art and science of ensuring that all that occurs is in accordance with the rules established, and the instructions issued in the case of operations.

A. Operational attack

B. Operational control

C. Operational Summary

D. None of these

Answer »» B. Operational Control


16. ............ is concerned with deciding in advance what is to be produced, when to be produced, where to be produced and how to be produced

A. Operational Planning

B. Operational Control.

C. (a) and (b).

D. none of these

Answer »» A. Operational Planning


17. The differences between the actual demand for a period and the demand forecast for that period is called:

A. Forecast error

B. Weighted arithmetic means

C. Decision process.

D. Mean square error

Answer »» A. Forecast Error


18. All of the following decisions fall within the scope of operations management, EXCEPT for

A. Financial Analysis

B. Design of products and processes

C. Location of facilities

D. Quality management

Answer »» A. financial Analysis


19. ............ can be defined as the measurements that detect the onset of a degradation mechanism, thereby allowing causal stressors to be eliminated or controlled prior to any significant deterioration in the component's physical state

A. break down maintenance

B. predictive maintenance

C. past maintenance

D. none of these

Answer »» B. Predictive Maintenance


20. ............ is defined as the combination of tasks that are required to keep a machine or part of a machine in the desirable condition.

A. Substitution

B. Maintenance

C. Reduction

D. Induction

Answer »» B. Maintenance


21. ............ Involves systematically recording, analysing and synthesizing the times required to perform a motion.

A. Method Study

B. Motion Study

C. Time Study

D. All of these

Answer »» C. Time Study


22. ............ refers to the manufacturing of large volumes of a single or a very few varieties of products with a standard set of processes

A. Continuous production

B. Intermittent production

C. Project production

D. None of these

Answer »» A. Continuous Production


23. ............ is the process of predicting and defining the long-term and the short-term capacity needs of an organisation and determining how those needs will be satisfied.

A. Capacity Planning

B. Capacity Control

C. Staff fixation

D. Instrumentalisation

Answer »» A. Capacity Planning


24. ............ is a measure of the actual level of output for a process or activity over some time.

A. Actual Capacity

B. Design Capacity

C. Maximum Capacity

D. None of these

Answer »» A. Actual Capacity


25. Production facilities are arranged as per the sequence of production operations from the first operations to the finished product. This method is called…………..

A. Process Production

B. Job Production

C. Both of these

D. None of these

Answer »» A. Process Production