Barco Projection Systems Case Study

Barco Projection Systems Case Study

Current Position

Barco N.V. is one of the top three worldwide manufacturers with a focus on expensive high-quality products in a niche market.

It focuses on graphic projectors, which have the maximum growth and revenue in the projector market.

Barco’s market share is as followed: 

  • 4% in video projectors
  • 23% in data projectors
  • 55% in graphic projectors
Major competitors to Barco are Sony, Electrohome, and NEC

The product that would compete with the Sony 1270 (BG 800) had a 40% chance of being completed by the Infocomm trade show

Barco’s Strengths and weaknesses as they relate to Sony. 

Barco’s Strengths:

  • Barco’s products had a better scan rate than Sony
  • Barco’s dealers were 20% box dealers and 80% system dealers.
  • Sony’s dealers were 50% box dealers and 50% system dealers.

Barco’s Strengths and weaknesses as they relate to Sony.

Sony’s and Barco’s Market Strengths:

In data projection, Sony held the largest % of the marketplace.

In graphics, Barco was number one in the market.

In terms of performance, Barco ranked higher than Sony.

Sony’s Price and Dealer Strengths:

  • On average, Sony’s products are priced 15% lower than Barco’s products.
  • Sony’s discount for the final sale: 15%
  • Barco’s discount for the final sale: 10%
  • Sony’s dealer coverage in the U.S: 500
  • Barco’s dealer coverage in the U.S: 100

Barco’s Strengths and weaknesses as they relate to Sony. 

Sony’s Dealer Strengths:

  • An estimated 80% to 90% of professional audiovisual dealers worldwide carried Sony video equipment.
  • This help build Sony’s reputation for reliability and low prices among dealers.

Sony’s Supplier Strengths:

  • Sony produced higher quality tubes over Barco’s supplier Clinton.
  • Sony is now Barco’s sole supplier.
  • Sony has a new competitive edge over Barco

Sony’s Strengths:

  • Sony released a new model, the 1270, which has the power to scan to 75 kHz and has an 8” Sony tube that Barco declined to use due to shape.
  • Currently, Barco’s highest scan rate offered is 72 kHz. (Model: BG400)

Sony & Barco 

Barco Should’ve Seen it Coming

  • 1987- Sony introduced a video projector with components not made available to Barco
  • Barco was Naïve: Believed Sony would respect the company’s “vision” of the marketplace


  • Barco purchased components 5 months in advance- Halting the production process
  • Sony had a working relationship with Barco, and probably would have known they were working on new projectors
  • Introduced with 4 Months until Infocomm show in Jan. 1990

What Would Sony Gain?

  • Priced at $15,000, the 1270 would cause Barco to lose 60% market share to Sony ($307.5 million)
  • At this price, the 1270 would also steal customers from the BD600 ($12,000)
  • Sony would ultimately gain the market position of high-quality

How Should Barco Respond to Sony? They could:

  • Lower the price of BPS to be less than the 1270
  • Develop a competitive projector, the BG800
  • Continue on schedule and complete the BD700

The Best Option

The best option would be for BPS to lower their prices less than Sony. That is because they don’t have a product that can directly compete with the 1270, so to have their products priced thousands more than the 1270 would cause them to lose the most business.